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  • A. G. Ostrovskii, A. G. Zatsepin, V. N. Ivanov, et al., (2009). Anchored Profiling Ocean Observatory, Podvodn. Issled. Robototekh., No 2/8, pp. 50–59 (in Russian).
  • Alexander G. Ostrovskii, Andrey G. Zatsepin, Dmitry A. Shvoev, and Vladimir A. Soloviev (2010). Underwater anchored profiler Aqualog for ocean environmental monitoring. In: Daniels JA (ed) Advances in environmental research, Nova Sci, New York.
  • Alexander Ostrovskii, Andrey Zatsepin (2011). Short-term hydrophysical and biological variability over the northeastern Black Sea continental slope as inferred from multiparametric tethered profiler surveys. Ocean Dynam 61(6):797-806
  • A. G. Ostrovskii, A. G. Zatsepin, V. A. Soloviev, A. L. Tsibulsky, and D. A. Shvoev (2013). Autonomous system for vertical profiling of the marine environment at a moored station. Oceanology, 2013, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 233–242.
  • Daniel F. Carlson, Alexander G. Ostrovskii, Konstantin Kebkal, and Hezi Gildor (2013). Moored automatic mobile profilers and their applications, in press.
  • Alena Arashkevich, Alexander Ostrovskii, and Vladimir Soloviev (2013). Observations of water column habitats by combining acoustic backscatter data and zooplankton sampling in the northeastern Black Sea (in press).
  • M. Emelianov, J. Font, P. Puig, J. Mart?n, E. Garc?a Ladona, J. Salat, A. Ostrovskii, A. Zatsepin, V. Kremenetskiy, D. Shvoev, V. Soloviev, and A. Tsibulskiy (2013). A pilot experiment on the temporal variability of the nepheloid and dynamical structures in  the Besos canyon (NW Mediterranean Sea) (in press).

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